-o- comb. f. 〔构成复合词〕本来只用于来自希腊语复合词,现在广泛用于科学术语(等)上;用法: 1.第一要素修饰第二要素:Franco-British. 2.第一第二要素为同位:Russo-Japanese war. 3.构成带有 -cracy, -logy, -meter 等希腊系词尾的衍生词 technocracy, technology, speedometer.
o a round O 圆。 int. 〔常用大写字母〕哦! 哟!…啊!唉!哎呀〔表示惊讶、恐怖、赞叹、愿望等〕。 O for a rest! 唉!休息休息才好! O Life! 啊,生活! O! Mr. John! 唷,原来是约翰先生。 O dear (me)! 哎呀!哎唷! O that ...〔诗〕但愿…!
O o aye aye ! he repeated several time “嗬嗬波依波依”他重复了若干次
O o method for determination of stable oxygen isotope ratio of water from fruit juices , using isotope ratio mass spectrometry 使用同位素比值度谱法对水果中水的稳定氧同位素比值
A spokesman for the department said the campaign would be conducted from november 20 to 26 . " it aims to encourage staff to provide courteous and efficient service to the public , and will also help promote hong kong tourism , " he said 入境处发言人说:该运动将于二o o六年十一月二十日至二十六日期间举行,目的在鼓励员工注重礼貌,继续为市民提供更优质的服务。
A spokesman for the department said that the campaign , which aimed to encourage immigration control officers to deliver courteous and efficient service to the public , would be conducted from november 20 to 26 at the nine immigration control points 该运动将于二o o六年十一月二十日至二十六日期间,在九个出入境管制站举行,目的在鼓励员工注重礼貌,为市民提供高效率的服务。入境处发言人说。
The whippers - in , who had been moving so deliberately , galloped over the country getting the dogs together , with shouts of stop ! while the huntsmen directed their course with shouts of o o ahoy ! nikolay , natasha , and the uncle and ilagin , who had been hitherto so composed , flew ahead , reckless of how or where they went , seeing nothing but the dogs and the hare , and afraid of nothing but losing sight for an instant of the course 灵狸看管人在放出猎犬时喊道: “捉住它! ”他们在田野上奔跑起来。心平气和的伊拉金尼古拉娜塔莎和大叔都飞奔着,他们自己也不晓得要怎样奔跑,跑到何处去,他们只看见猎犬和兔子,提心吊胆,生怕看不见即使是一瞬间的追捕野兽的情景。